Gallbladder Stone
The gallbladder is a tiny bag that lies under the liver on the right side of the abdomen, and it is about the shape and size of a pear. The primary function of the gallbladder is to store and concentrate bile released by the liver. After you have food, bile is released from the gallbladder, which aids digestion. The common bile ducts (CBDs) are responsible for transporting bile from the liver to the small intestine.
According to Dr Sanjoy Mandal, who is a renowned Gallbladder surgeon in kolkata, gallbladder stones are hardened digestive juice deposits that can form in the gallbladder. Gallstones can range in size from a speck of sand to the size of a golf ball. Some people develop one gallstone at a time, while others develop several gallstones at the same time.
Are You at Risk for Gallbladder Stones
The factors that increase your risks of having gallstones include:.
Women are more susceptible to it than men
People in their thirties and forties
Men and women who are overweight
People who have lost a lot of weight in a short period of time
Women who are pregnant, on hormone therapy, or who have used birth control pills for a long time
Symptoms of Gallbladder Stones

When symptoms such as extreme abdominal pain, also known as a gallstone ‘attack’ (colic), occur unexpectedly, gallstone treatment is needed. Gallstone attacks are common after fatty meals and can happen at any time of day or night. Since many patients with gallstones have no symptoms and are considered asymptomatic, the stones are referred to as “silent stones.” As per the Gallbladder stone surgeon in kolkata, a common attack can result in the following:

Some of the other less commonly experienced gallbladder stone symptoms are :

Treatment Options for Gallbladder Stones
Gallstones that don’t show any symptoms, such as those found during an ultrasound or CT scan for some reason, usually don’t need care.
The gallstone specialist may advise that you keep an eye out for signs of complications, such as increased pain in your upper right abdomen. The patient will be treated if gallstone signs and symptoms reappear in the future.
Medications for Gallbladder Stones
Gallstones can be dissolved with the use of oral drugs and medications. However, dissolving gallstones in this manner can take months or years of care. Medication does not always work. Gallstones medications are rarely administered and are only given to those who are unable to undergo surgery.
Since gallstones often recur, the doctor can prescribe surgery to remove the gallbladder. Bile passes directly from the liver into the small intestine after the gallbladder is removed, rather than being retained in the gallbladder. We don’t need the gallbladder to live, and removing it has little effect on our ability to absorb food. However, gallbladder removal can cause diarrhoea, which is usually temporary. Rather than open procedures, cholecystectomy is performed by Dr Mandal, the best gallbladder surgeon in Kolkata using minimally invasive techniques such as laparoscopy.
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